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H5n6 Strain Of Bird Flu Detected In Poultry

H5N6 Strain of Bird Flu Detected in Poultry

Highly Pathogenic Virus a Concern

Expert Call for Increased Surveillance and Biosecurity Measures

Recent outbreaks of the highly pathogenic H5N6 strain of bird flu have raised concerns among poultry farmers and health officials. The virus, which primarily affects birds, has been detected in poultry flocks in several countries, including the United States.

Infected birds shed the virus in their saliva, mucus, and feces, leading to its rapid spread within flocks. The virus can also be transmitted to humans through contact with infected birds or their products, such as eggs or poultry meat.

While human infections with H5N6 are rare, they can be severe and even fatal. The virus has been known to cause respiratory illness, eye infections, and other complications in humans.

Experts emphasize the importance of increased surveillance and biosecurity measures to prevent the further spread of the virus. Poultry farmers should implement strict hygiene practices, isolate infected flocks, and limit contact with wild birds.

Public health officials advise individuals to avoid contact with sick or dead birds, and to thoroughly cook poultry products before consumption. By taking these precautions, the risk of human infection with H5N6 can be minimized.
